Episode Luke Robert Mason Episode Luke Robert Mason

Applied Science Fiction w/ Stephen Oram


Science Fiction Author Stephen Oram shares his insights on collaborating with scientists to transform research into speculative storytelling, using near-future fiction to explore the ethical implications of emerging technology, and leveraging narrative to foster public engagement with science. 

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Episode Luke Robert Mason Episode Luke Robert Mason

Why Machines Can’t Replace Us w/ Neil Lawrence 


Computer Scientist Neil Lawrence shares his insights on what machine intelligence can teach us about being human, the risks of relying on technologies that prioritise efficiency and scalability over ethics, and the hubris of efforts to extend or upload human consciousness using AI.

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Bonus Luke Robert Mason Bonus Luke Robert Mason

Prototyping Near-Future Worlds w/ Liam Young


Architect Liam Young shares his thoughts on how science fiction can be a powerful tool for prototyping new possibilities, why problems like climate change urgently need planetary-scale solutions, and how speculative design can inspire meaningful cultural transformation.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Decoding Animal Communication w/ Jane Lawton


Earth Species Project’s Jane Lawton shares her insights on how artificial intelligence is used to decode animal communication, how new technology challenges human-centric views of intelligence, and how the ‘voices’ of other species can inform conservation efforts and influence rights-for-nature debates.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Merging Technology & Nature w/ Koert van Mensvoort


Philosopher Koert van Mensvoort shares his insights into humanity’s ever-evolving relationship with nature, how integrating technology and biology can support ecology, and the possibility of becoming an interplanetary species.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Intergenerational Futures Thinking w/ Adam El Rafey


Young Change Advocate Adam El Rafey shares his thoughts on why ability, not age, should determine opportunity, how to reimagine education towards problem-based learning, and how the adaptability of the younger generation will prepare them for an increasingly uncertain future.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Intelligence Augmentation w/ Prof. Pattie Maes


MIT Media Lab’s Prof. Pattie Maes shares her insights on using technology to enhance human potential and agency, developing wearable systems to support cognition and learning, and designing ethical human-centred artificial intelligence.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Dreaming the Future w/ Pierre-Christophe Gam


Conceptual Artist Pierre-Christophe Gam shares his thoughts on the transformative power of imagination to shape reality, the potential of the African continent to become a global leader, and how to dream futures that reflect our individual aspirations and collective desires.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Designing Brain-Computer Interfaces w/ Conor Russomanno 


Founder & CEO of OpenBCI Conor Russomanno shares his thoughts on what neurotechnology can teach us about being human, the ethical challenges of designing devices to measure brain activity, and the advantages of open-source brain-computer interfaces.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Why Tech Needs Feminism w/ Dr. Eleanor Drage & Dr. Kerry McInerney


Senior Research Fellows Dr. Eleanor Drage and Dr. Kerry McInerney share their insights on how artificial intelligence will impact society, using a feminist lens to rethink innovation and the importance of language in shaping our understanding of ‘good’ technology.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

A Right to Cognitive Liberty w/ Prof. Nita Farahany


Legal scholar Nita Farahany shares her insights into protecting our privacy through the right to cognitive liberty, how neuro-technology can enhance our understanding of mental health, and why the public should demand self-access to their brain data.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Human Rights & Robot Wrongs w/ Dr. Susie Alegre


Human rights lawyer Dr. Susie Alegre shares her insights into the threat artificial intelligence poses to human creativity, the importance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in safeguarding freedom of thought, and applying existing laws to regulate the development and deployment of emerging technologies.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Reclaiming Tech w/ Jeremy Gilbert, Alex Williams & Alison Winch


Cultural  & Political Theorists Jeremy Gilbert, Alex Williams & Alison Winch share their insights on the societal impacts of technological innovation, the hegemonic power of the Silicon Valley tech billionaires, and re-engineering digital platforms for democratic purposes.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Engineering a Better Future w/ Dr. Shini Somara


Mechanical Engineer Shini Somara shares her thoughts on why we need impactful storytelling in science communication, how diversity drives innovation in STEM, and why imagination is key to understanding new technologies.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Blockchain Radicals w/ Joshua Dávila


Blockchain Socialist Joshua Dávila shares his insights on using blockchain technology to challenge capitalism, why we should take a techno-probabalistic approach to crypto, and how to build a more equitable and decentralised world.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Protopian Stories for Better Tomorrows w/ Ari Wallach


Futurist Ari Wallach shares his insights into why we need ethical long-term visions that prioritise humanity, the importance of transgenerational empathy, and how to co-construct inclusive stories that imagine better tomorrows.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Eaten by the Internet w/ Dr. Corinne Cath & Dr. Fieke Jansen


Researchers Dr. Corinne Cath & Dr. Fieke Jansen share their insights into critical approaches to internet infrastructure, the environmental costs of data centres, and reimagining our relationship with digital technologies to ensure a more equitable and sustainable future.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Space Settlements on Mars w/ Kelly & Zach Weinersmith


Authors Kelly Weinersmith & Zach Weinersmith share their insights into the challenge of building settlements on Mars, how extended periods in extra-terrestrial environments would impact our body and mind, and how international space law needs to be updated if we are to become a multi-planetary species.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Mathematics as Science Fiction w/ Prof. Ian Stewart


Mathematician Prof. Ian Stewart shares his strategies for explaining abstract mathematical concepts to the public, the role imagination can play in education, and how science fiction can assist in solving the world’s most complex mysteries.

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