Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Bursting the Reality Bubble w/ Ziya Tong


Science journalist Ziya Tong shares her insights into the hidden worlds that exist beyond the limits of the human senses, how illusions contribute to our understanding of reality, and how our collective blind spots are at the core of our current environmental crisis.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Becoming Cyborgs w/ Liviu Babitz


Cyborg Nest’s Liviu Babitz shares his insights into the latest methods for becoming a cyborg, the process behind designing new senses, and how biohacking will change the way we think about human limitations.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Biological Immortality w/ Dr. Andrew Steele


Computational biologist Dr. Andrew Steele shares his insights into the latest scientific research dedicated to tackling age-related disease, the societal implications of extending the human lifespan, and the habits linked to a longer life.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Quantum Worlds w/ Sean Carroll


Physicist Sean Carroll shares his insights into the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, how theoretical physics informs our understanding of reality, and what the human mind can comprehend about nature of the universe.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Rewiring the Brain w/ David Eagleman


Neuroscientist David Eagleman shares his insights into the mystery of neuroplasticity, how modern technology impacts our brains’ development, and the different ways we might soon be able to augment our senses and enhance our cognition.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Robotic Mind Clones w/ Bruce Duncan


The Terasem Movement Foundation’s Bruce Duncan shares his thoughts on the possibility of uploading our minds into machines, what artificial intelligence might teach us about the origin of consciousness, and the story behind the creation of the humanoid robot BINA48.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Astronomical Endeavours w/ Kathy Sullivan


Former NASA Astronaut Kathy Sullivan shares her insights into what it was like to be part of the team responsible for the launch of The Hubble Space Telescope, the scientific and societal importance of space exploration, and how to create the ideal conditions for innovation to thrive.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Ensuring Humanity's Survival w/ Lord Martin Rees


Astronomer Royal Lord Martin Rees shares his insights into the existential threats facing humanity, what it means to be a techno-optimist, and how we can plan for the long-term future.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Dawn of the Transhuman Era w/ Prof. Steve Fuller


Sociologist Prof. Steve Fuller shares his thoughts on transhumanism as a science-based religion, the value of taking a death-based approach to life, and why Friedrich Nietzsche is the futurist we need today.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Humankind w/ Rutger Bregman


Historian Rutger Bregman shares his insights into why we have such a pessimistic view of human nature, what it means to be evolutionarily hardwired for kindness, and how radical ideas and stories can shape the future.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Birth, Food, Sex & Death w/ Jenny Kleeman


Journalist Jenny Kleeman shares her thoughts on developments in the emerging fields of sex robotics, lab-grown meat, artificial wombs, and assisted dying.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

The World According to Physics w/ Jim Al-Khalili


Theoretical Physicist Jim Al-Khalili shares his thoughts on what physics can teach us about the nature of reality and the mysteries of our universe, the possibility of a theory of everything, and how to make scientific ideas accessible and captivating.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Cultivating Long Term Thinking w/ Roman Krznaric


Public philosopher Roman Krznaric shares his thoughts on how to cultivate longterm thinking, solutions for overcoming political presentism, and what it takes to be a good ancestor.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

How Hype Obscures the Future w/ Gemma Milne


Science journalist Gemma Milne shares her insights on how the hype-machine impacts science communication, how tech companies work to attract interest and attention, and how the general public can think critically about new innovations.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Abolish Silicon Valley w/ Wendy Liu


Start-up founder Wendy Liu shares her thoughts on the perils of start-up life, how Silicon Valley is dealing with issues of inequality, and what can be done to reclaim technology’s potential for the public good.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Coevolution of Humans and Machines w/ Edward A. Lee


Computer scientist Edward A. Lee shares his thoughts on the symbiotic coevolution of humans and machines, why the ‘dataist’ belief in human cognition resembling computation is likely wrong, and how recent technological developments resemble the emergence of a new form of life.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Evolutionary Mismatch w/ Adam Hart


Biologist Adam Hart shares his insights into the mismatch between our human biology and the modern world, why it’s important for us to re-engage with nature, and how evolutionary science might hold the key to our future survival.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Our Future Selves w/ Yancey Stickler


Kickstarter co-founder Yancey Stickler shares his insights into the dangers of financial maximisation, why we should give greater consideration to our future selves, and how we can create a more abundant society.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Explaining Humans w/ Dr. Camilla Pang


Dr. Camilla Pang shares her insights into living with Autistic Spectrum Disorder, how she uses scientific principles to better understand human beings, and why she considers her neurodiversity to be a superpower.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Hacktivism w/ Maureen Webb & Lauri Love


Human rights activist Maureen Webb and alleged hacker Lauri Love share their insights into the relationship between hacking and political activism, the dangers of government and private sector surveillance, and how hackers are rebuilding society by challenging the status quo.

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