Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Bioethics of Human & Animal Enhancement w/ Dr. Sarah Chan


Bioethicist Dr. Sarah Chan shares her thoughts on the ethics of human genome editing, the potential of developing a social model of enhancement, and the possibility of using biotechnology to improve the cognitive abilities of animals.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Robot Rights & Alien Intelligences w/ David J. Gunkel


Media scholar David J. Gunkel shares his thoughts on the philosophical case for the rights of robots, the challenge artificial intelligence presents to our existing moral and legal systems, and how tools like ChatGTP force us to confront our human exceptionalism.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Visions of the Future w/ Pat Cadigan


Cyberpunk author Pat Cadigan shares her thoughts on the role of science fiction in society, her methods for thinking about the future, and which elements of the cyberpunk genre have become features of our everyday reality.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Future Superhuman w/ Elise Bohan


Macrohistorian Elise Bohan shares her thoughts on the importance of adopting a transhumanist worldview, why we live in a make-or-break century, and what is worth preserving about humanity.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Becoming an Avatar w/ Philip Rosedale


Founder of Second Life Philip Rosedale shares his thoughts on what virtual worlds can teach us about being human, the relationship between Second Life users and their avatars, and the challenges of building the metaverse using Web 3.0 technologies.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Biofabrication w/ Ritu Raman


Biomedical engineer Ritu Raman shares her insights on designing biological robots, how new developments in tissue engineering may allow us to grow organs, and what biofabrication means for the future of food and medicine

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Moral Enhancement Technologies w/ James Hughes


Sociologist James Hughes shares his thoughts on how libertarian transhumanism allows for cognitive liberty and bodily autonomy, the ethical implications of using enhancement technologies to amplify human virtues, and the challenge of being a techno-optimist.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

We Have Always Been Cyborgs w/ Stefan Lorenz Sorgner


Metahumanist philosopher Stefan Lorenz Sorgner shares his thoughts on the debates surrounding contemporary transhumanism, the possibility of immortality achieved through mind-uploading, and the ethical issues associated with gene editing, digital data collection, and life extension.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

The Psychoanalysis of Artificial Intelligence w/ Isabel Millar


Psychoanalytic theorist Isabel Millar explains the role psychoanalysis can play in helping us to understand what artificial intelligence means for humanity, what modern science fiction reveals about our fascination with sex-robots, and what is driving a desire to replicate human attributes in silicon.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Virtual Reality is Genuine Reality w/ David Chalmers


Philosopher David Chalmers shares his thoughts on how virtual worlds are challenging our understanding of reality, the possibility that could be living in a simulation, and what techno-philosophy can teach us about the nature of consciousness.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Artificial Intelligence Will Transform Everything w/ Martin Ford


Futurist Martin Ford shares his thoughts on why we should treat artificial intelligence like a utility, the impact a robot revolution will have on the economy, and how machines may enhance our creativity by encouraging new forms of innovation.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

God in the Machine w/ Dr. Beth Singler


Anthropologist Dr. Beth Singler shares her thoughts on the misconceptions surrounding artificial intelligence, the dangers of treating humans like machines, and whether virtual reality could provide us with quasi-religious experiences.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Ancestors & Ancient DNA w/ Prof. Alice Roberts


Biological anthropologist Prof. Alice Roberts shares her insights on how sequencing ancient DNA can provide new evidence to help us understand our ancestors, what the latest archaeological discoveries reveal about the origins of homo sapiens, and how an appreciation of deep history can help us navigate the future.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

A New Science of Consciousness w/ Anil Seth


Neuroscientist Anil Seth shares his thoughts on the role of neuroscience in explaining human consciousness, why our perception of reality might be a controlled hallucination, and how psychedelics are challenging our understanding of the mind.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Evolution and the Challenges of Modern Life w/ Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying


Evolutionary biologists Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying share their thoughts on what happens when human evolution collides with an increasingly ‘hyper-novel’ modern world, how a greater understanding of biology can help us develop technologies that benefit humanity, and how the ability to adapt is our species’ best tool for creating a sustainable and abundant future.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

The Neobiological Revolution w/ Jane Metcalfe


Founder of NEO.LIFE Jane Metcalfe shares her thoughts on the possibilities offered by the neobiological revolution, how digital technology is changing how we understand and engineer biology, and the important role bio-artists play in helping to navigate the ethical implications of new innovations.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Frontiers of Human Knowledge w/ Michael Bhaskar


Author Michael Bhaskar shares his thoughts on how the history of humanity is characterised by big ideas, why the perceived stagnation of economic growth and technological progress may mark the end of breakthrough innovation, and what new tools might help us to develop shocking, sensational or paradigm shifting new ways to see the world.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Pathways to a Flourishing Future w/ Jeremy Lent


Author Jeremy Lent shares his insights into the importance of developing alternatives to the modern western worldview, how recognising our deep interconnectedness to all life could lead towards a new ecological civilisation, and how integrating science and traditional wisdom might help us avoid the global crises threatening humanity.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Mysteries of Consciousness w/ Philip Goff


Philosopher Philip Goff shares his thoughts on a radical new understanding of consciousness called panpsychism, the relationship between consciousness and the material world, and the implications of this new theory on the modern scientific method.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Being Interested w/ Robin Ince


Comedian Robin Ince shares his thoughts on the fascinating role science plays in our everyday lives, how we can avoid becoming too dogmatic about our belief systems, and the incredible importance of being interested.

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