Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Pathways to a Flourishing Future w/ Jeremy Lent


Author Jeremy Lent shares his insights into the importance of developing alternatives to the modern western worldview, how recognising our deep interconnectedness to all life could lead towards a new ecological civilisation, and how integrating science and traditional wisdom might help us avoid the global crises threatening humanity.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Mysteries of Consciousness w/ Philip Goff


Philosopher Philip Goff shares his thoughts on a radical new understanding of consciousness called panpsychism, the relationship between consciousness and the material world, and the implications of this new theory on the modern scientific method.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Being Interested w/ Robin Ince


Comedian Robin Ince shares his thoughts on the fascinating role science plays in our everyday lives, how we can avoid becoming too dogmatic about our belief systems, and the incredible importance of being interested.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

A World Without Humans w/ Patricia MacCormack


Philosopher Patricia MacCormack shares her insights into how the ‘ahuman’ might provide a solution to the growing ecological crisis, why self-extinction should be considered a compassionate act, and why antinatalism, abolitionist veganism, and occultism might be our best strategies for combatting human exceptionalism.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Robotic ‘Third Thumb’ Augmentation w/ Dani Clode & Paulina Kieliba


Designer Dani Clode and researcher Paulina Kieliba share their insights into designing a robotic Third Thumb, how the human brain supports and integrates augmentation devices, and how we can begin to use advanced prosthetics to extend our abilities in new and unexpected ways.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Mood-Altering Wearables w/ Dr. Dave Rabin


Neuroscientist Dr. Dave Rabin shares his insights on how to hack our biology to cope with the demands of modern life, the importance of heart-rate-variability (HRV) in managing our stress response, and the role biofeedback will play in the design of the next-generation of wearable devices.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Gene Therapies to End Ageing w/ Liz Parrish


BioViva CEO Liz Parrish shares her insights into developing gene therapies to end ageing, the ethics of taking a proactionary approach to experimental treatments, and the growing importance of preventative healthcare.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Code, Clones & Creativity w/ Taryn Southern


Artist Taryn Southern shares her insights into how collaborating with robots can unlock new creative possibilities, the experimental processes behind developing your own artificially intelligent clone, and the tools we can use to preserve our digital legacy and animate our ancestors.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Exploring the Deep Sea w/ Helen Scales


Marine biologist Helen Scales shares her insights into the vital role that the ocean plays in sustaining life on earth, the innovative new technologies humans are using to explore the seabed, and how a rich diversity of deep sea creatures might hold the key to new scientific advances.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Genetically Engineering Humans for Space w/ Christopher Mason


Geneticist Christopher Mason shares his insights into genetically modifying humans to mitigate against the risks of space exploration, the methods for sustaining life on Mars, and how becoming a multi-planetary species will help humanity avoid its own extinction.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Virtually You w/ Tracey Follows


Futurist Tracey Follows shares her insights into how digital technology is transforming identity, how new ways to capture biometric data will require us to rethink our relationship with governments and corporations, and what AI-enabled virtual persons can teach us about what it means to be human.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

How Your Brain Chemicals Influence Your Life w/ Ginny Smith


Science writer Ginny Smith shares her insights into the latest ways to scientifically understand the human brain, the role of hormones and neurotransmitters in memory, sleep, depression and addiction, and the methods we can use to improve our cognition.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

When Sci-Fi Becomes Real Life w/ Viktoria Modesta


Bionic pop artist Viktoria Modesta shares her insights into developing artworks that showcase a posthuman aesthetic, the challenge of constructing and managing online digital-identities, and the role collaboration plays in prototyping future possibilities.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

From Pirate to Hacktivist w/ Peter Sunde


Co-founder of The Pirate Bay Peter Sunde shares his insights into the cultural importance of copying, why pranking and trolling is an effective form of online activism, and why civil disobedience might be our best tool to bring about a free and open internet.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Esports w/ Prof. Andy Miah


Professor Andy Miah shares his insights into why competitive video gaming has experienced a rapid growth in popularity, how digital technology is changing the way traditional sports are played, and how gamification looks set to transform the world of health and fitness.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Humanity’s Uncertain Future w/ Thomas Moynihan


Historian Thomas Moynihan shares the complex history of how humanity began to contemplate its capacity to bring about its own extinction, why the study of existential risk exposes a prevailing pessimism about the future, and what the search for extraterrestrial intelligence reveals about our unique place in the universe.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

New Laws of Robotics w/ Frank Pasquale


Professor of Law Frank Pasquale shares his insights on how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can capitalise on human strengths and take advantage of human limits; what automation means for healthcare, education and warfare; and how the robotics regulations we implement today might have a dramatic effect on the future of work.

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Luke Robert Mason Luke Robert Mason

Nostalgic Feedback Loops w/ Grafton Tanner


Writer Grafton Tanner shares his insights into how nostalgia is leveraged by big tech and corporations, how fictional universe-building has impacted the way we think about lived-reality, and how our recent obsession with the past might stop us from imagining a better future.

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